Do RIAA hacks mean that they don't get tech?

Wired News observes that the RIAA's site has been hacked six times in the past six months, and speculates that this indicates that the recording industry — which is so fired-up about the Internet — doesn't really understand technology very well.

"The flaws that people are exploiting to access their site are elementary security issues and there's no excuse for an organization that purports to understand the dark side of the Internet to leave such gaping holes in their own network infrastructure…"

Ferrell and others predicted that if the RIAA escalates its anti-piracy efforts, the organization's site will be completely knocked off the Internet.

"The RIAA honestly has no idea what they're up against. They will be toast the first time they try to shut down a P2P network being used by any serious black hats," Ferrell said…

"Hey, don't you think they should have noticed that press release urging people to have sex with barnyard animals by now?" one chat participant asked, several hours after the bogus press releases first hit the RIAA site.

