Boing Boing Staging

Pudding guy turns $3k into 1.2MM airmiles and gets tax receipt to boot

So, apparently, I’m the last person to find out about the pudding guy. The pudding guy (David Phillips) is an airmiles geek who figured out that by combining Healthy Choice’s 1000 airmiles for 10 UPCs with their deep-discount $0.25 single-serving pudding-cups that he could rack up 1.2 million airmiles for about $3,000. Then he donated the pudding to some local soup-kitchens who agreed to cut out the UPCs in exchange for the goo — and gave him a tax-receipt to boot. Snopes says it’s true. As a air-miles dilletante, I am wickedly jealous. (Pix here)



(via Cardhouse)

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