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NASA seeks to debunk debunkers with new "yes-we-really-did-land-on-the-moon" minibook

Amid fresh media buzz over conspiracy theorist claims that Apollo moon landings were faked, NASA recently agreed to pay aeronautics engineer James Oberg $15,000 to write a monograph countering debunkers’ claims point-by-point.

The short book, scheduled for release later this year, may help Buzz Aldrin travel more peacefully. As blogged here previously, on September 9 the 72-year-old astronaut punched out a particularly aggressive Apollo-doubter who confronted him at a Beverly Hills speaking engagement. Bart Sibrel, who produced a film questioning the Apollo missions, demanded that Aldrin swear on a stack of bibles he had in fact walked on the moon, and pursued Aldrin down the street calling him a “thief, liar, and a coward.”

NASA also recently published this web site with point-by-point counterclaims to Apollo hoax allegations.

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