Garry Trudeau's college roommate — partial inspiration for Mike Doonesbury — is running for Congress.
Mike Doonesbury and Charlie Pillsbury diverged sharply over the years. Doonesbury became a baby boomer caricature: a commune-dwelling liberal Democrat turned John Anderson independent turned Madison Avenue adman turned dot-com flameout. Along the way, he became a Republican. Pillsbury, meanwhile, worked on Eugene McCarthy's presidential campaign in 1968 and has never veered from his liberal devotions. He attended Boston University Law School and Yale Divinity School and has worked for a procession of do-gooder causes. For the last 12 years, Pillsbury has run Community Mediation, a New Haven agency that helps people and groups solve disputes out of court. He remained a Democrat until early this year, but became miffed when the Democrats "fell in lockstep" behind the Bush administration's military response to Sept. 11. This included dismay at DeLauro, whom Pillsbury calls a friend and whose campaigns he had reliably contributed to since her first successful run in 1990.
(via Fark)