Australians have taken wardriving to the next level, using a small plane and a laptop with a WiFi card to reconnoiter wireless access points in their area. They call it “WarStorming” — Wireless Access Reconnaissance Barnstorming. I wonder if we could get Larry Ellison to do some WarStorming the next time he’s flying around the Bay Area in his MiG. Jas writes:
Ok, we live in the arse-end of the arse-end of the World. But that doesn’t mean we’re technologically illiterate.
In fact, I reckon we’re the first to brag about going “War Storming”. That’s a phrase I’ve coined to describe a combination of war driving and barn storming.
We took an aircraft and went a stumblin’.
We found a LOT of active nodes. It seems 1500ft is a good height.
My kismet logs are rather detailed and funnily enough the network dump contains IRC logs of the very same people I normally chat to. If I’d thought to do so at the time, I could have IRC’ed from up there!
Anyhoo, take a look at e3, the piccies and the logs.
(Thanks, Jas!)