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FBI on War-chalking: the sky is falling, halp!

From Dave Farber’s Interesting People list:

There is an Special Agent named “Bill Shore” in the Pittsburgh field
office. I’ve spoken to him, this is his. He forwarded it to an ‘infoguard’ list

Forwarded by my local Time-Warner/Road Runner ‘insider’.



From: Bill Shore []
Sent: Monday, July 08, 2002 9:56 AM
Subject: Wireless networks – Warchalking/Wardriving

It has recently been brought to my attention that individuals/groups
have been actively working in the Pittsburgh area as well as other areas
of the United States including Philadelphia, and Boston, and the rest of
the world for that matter, to identify locations where wireless networks
are implemented. This is done by a technique identified as
“Wardriving.” Wardriving is accomplished by driving around in a vehicle
using a laptop computer equipped with appropriate hardware and software to identify wireless networks used in
commercial and/or residential areas. Upon identifying a wireless
network, the access point can be marked with a coded symbol, or
“warchalked.” This symbol will alert others of the presence of a
wireless network. The network can then be accessed with the proper
equipment and utilized by the individual(s) to access the Internet,
download email, and potentially compromise your systems. In Pittsburgh,
the individuals are essentially attempting to map the entire city to
identify the wireless access points, see here.

Also, check this article from

Identifying the presence of a wireless network may not be a criminal
violation, however, there may be criminal violations if the network is
actually accessed including theft of services, interception of
communications, misuse of computing resources, up to and including
violations of the Federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Statute, Theft of
Trade Secrets, and other federal violations. At this point, I am not
aware of any malicious activity that has been reported to the FBI here
in Pittsburgh, however, you are cautioned regarding this activity if you
have implemented a wireless network in your business. You are also
highly encouraged to implement appropriate wireless security practices
to protect your information assets.

My response:

Oyez! Oyez!

Special Agent John Sanders of His Majesty’s secret police today issued a notice observing that many of His Majesty’s subjects have begun the practice of hiring so-called “glaziers” to install “clear walls” or “win-dohs” in their dwellings. Agent Sanders went on to note that while more convenient and hygienic than the traditional masonry or straw openings heretofore employed, these so-called “win-dohs” or “glass openings” are also vulnerable to miscreants who may employ special apparati (i.e., bricks, rocks) to violate the sovereignty of house and home. While S.A. Sanders could not cite any examples of crimes perpetrated in connection with these “win-dohs” he warns that in these tumultuous times, it is beholden on all of His Majesty’s subjects to exercise the utmost care in defending their homes against the imprecations of the wily Norman and his sinister allies.

For God and King,

Rbt. K. Allen, H.M. Criers and Newsagents.



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