Peter Bagge has always been one of my favorite cartoonists, ever since I discovered him in the pages of R. Crumb’s Weirdo in the mid-1980’s. Bagge did a couple of great series for Fantagraphics. The first was Neat Stuff, which had one of my all time favorite comic book characters, Girly Girl, a character who managed to be obnoxious, stupid, mean-spirited, and endearing at the same time. Later, Bagge created Hate which became a lot more popular. Hate‘s main attraction was the dysfunctional Bradley family. Over the years, readers got to watch the family unravel. I don’t remember when Hate stop being published, but I’m pleased to learn that it’s back as an annual. I just got issue number 2 (still waiting to get number 1) and it is as good as ever. Buddy Bradley is now married with a baby, but he’s just as irresponsible and slothful as ever. Also included are a couple of wonderful stories Bagge wrote for (created by Boing Boing’s webmaster, Carl), one about the Miss America Pageant, the other about Mike Love of the Beach Boys. I’m happy Bagge is still at it and in top form! Link Discuss