Boing Boing Staging

Lord of the Rings, the

Lord of the Rings, the abridged version:

                      IAN HOLM          There you are, you sage old wizard!They smoke from IAN MCKELLEN'S PIPE.                   IAN HOLM (CONT'D)          Ah, Ian, you truly have the finest          weed in Middle Earth.                     IAN MCKELLEN          Heh.  Both of our names are Ian.                       IAN HOLM          Holy shit! You're right!IAN HOLM falls backwards, laughing hysterically.                  IAN HOLM  (CONT'D)          Dude! Every time I laugh, I think          it's my lung trying to escape a          little bit.  Maybe that's what          laughing is.  Lungs use humor to          trick us into letting them escape.          Whoa.                     IAN MCKELLEN          Holy shit dude, you're so fucked          up.                       IAN HOLM          Oh, wanna see something cool? This          will totally trip you out.IAN slips on the RING OF POWER and turns invisible.                   IAN HOLM (CONT'D)              (invisible)          Whoa, where'd I go? Where'd I go?          Ha ha!              (removing the ring)          Isn't that awesome?

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